Thursday, September 10, 2009

Home Is Where the Hero Is

Today I took a break from school and met with my friends Dean and Kyle who live in Connecticut. It was wonderful to see them after being apart for so long. As we caught up, we shared stories about the challenges of relationships (especially long distance ones), unexpected occurrences, job searches, and life post graduation.

Our conversation got me thinking. All three of us ended up living at home after our time at NYU. Where some would consider going backwards after a large step such as college a negative movement, we considered it a positive. Going back made us stronger. We are lucky that we were able to go home before heading out into the ‘real world’. We talked about how nice it was to be able to bond with our families as adults. The time we had to observe our parents as workers and partners rather than just mom and dad was time well spent. Hopefully they appreciated our company just as much =)

When I was at Kinsella working with the fifth and sixth graders I had them share stories about someone who inspired them, all but two out of twenty mentioned a family member. It made me feel good to know that so many children have positive role models in their homes. It warmed my heart. Every family is unique (which you know if you are like me and addicted to the TV show Wife Swap) and I enjoyed hearing their stories. Hopefully at least one student went home and told their family member how important they are to them.

Has anyone in your family inspired you? How? What did they inspire you to do?

How do your family members motivate you?

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